Two panel interface

Classic and familiar two panel interface will allow easy and comfortable working with several servers and dragging files forth and back.

Drag&Drop function

Work with files and folders using a mouse, dragging files and folders to server or remote FTP and back. Select the desired files and folders, grab them and drag to the target spot.

Work with external FTP

You can connect to a remote FTP and work with it from your browser. Save settings for quick connection to a desired server.

Tabbed interface

Tabbed interface allows opening multiple files at a time and manipulate them in the file manager panel, like you would do in an operating system.

User-friendly code editor

User-friendly editor with syntax highlight function, easily personalized . Editor has an automatic add function and embedded Emmet plug-in, which considerably facilitates work with HTML and CSS.

  • FileManager

Why is the best way to organize comfortable work process with a site files from any place convenient for you.

Convenient editor always at hand. Wherever you are you can instantly modify code.

All the main functions for working with files allow you to feel at ease when working with files at the server.

Far not all that it can do

Two panel

File manager interface is made in the form familiar to the user: two areas for easy operation with files. In either area you can open files located on the server, remote FTP or on your computer.


Code editor has a syntax highlight function and can recognize which file you opened, whether it's a php script, bash script or script created with another programming language.

Code highlight
for any taste

Custom color schemes and snippet support make's writing code much faster. Check out the editor settings for more details.

File manager supports quick search for necessary files in directories, and text search in file contents.

Shortcut key

For quick file manager operation it is fitted with a number of shortcut keys combinations for popular actions, such as: copy, move, file view, etc.


To view graphic files the file manager is equipped with an embedded image viewer. You can rotate the image, scale it and go to next image.